[Sca-cooks] Portuguese cookbook online

Robert Downie rdownie at mb.sympatico.ca
Sat May 31 05:56:25 PDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> You're very welcome.  Now, how soon can we expect to see the translation
> posted?  :-)
> Brighid ni Chiarain *** mka Robin Carroll-Mann

Here's a start:
Note- toucinho is available at portuguse grocery stores, it's basically the skin with
fatty layer attatched

Um tratado da cozinha portuguesa do século XV
[Coleção de receitas, algumas bastante originais, para o preparo das mais variadas

A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century
[Colection of recipes, some very origional, for the preparation of most varied

Pratos de carne
Meat Dishes

Pastéis de carne
Tomem carneiro, alcatra, ou lombo de porco fresco, e uma fatia de toucinho de
fumeiro, para dar gosto. Piquem tudo
muito bem. Com cravo, açafrão, pimenta, gengibre, coentro seco, caldo de limão ou de
agraço, e uma colher de manteiga
faz-se o refogado, ao qual se deitam a carne e o toucinho picados. Cozinha-se em fogo
brando. Depois de pronto deixa-se
esfriar e fazem-se os pastéis, bem recheados; pincele-os com gema de ovo e leve-os a
assar em forno quente.
Do mesmo modo se fazem os pastéis de galinha.
Os pastéis ficarão mais gostosos, se recheados com carne crua.

Meat Filled Pastries
Take mutton, beef rump roast, or fersh pok loin, and a slice of pokk belly.  Mince
well. Saute cloves, saffron, black pepper,ginger, dried cilantro, juice of lemon or
unripe grapes, and a spoonful butter, into which you add the minced meat and pork
fat.  Cook over low heat.  After it's cooked, let cool and make the pastries, well
filled: brush with egg yolk and bake in a hot oven.
The same method can be usedfor chicken pastries
The pastries will be tastier if filled with raw meat
(One thing I'm not absolutely sure about - In modern day usage, CALDO refers to a
broth, wile SUMO refers to juice.  there are modern recipes, such as Arroz Doce/Rice
Pudding, that call for water in which lemon peel and other spices have been boiled
and others that call for lemon juice as part of the marinade.  However, since this
particular recipe calls for verjuice as an alternative, I'm leaning towards the JUICE

Tigelada de perdiz
Parta-se em pedaços uma perdiz mal-assada. À parte, numa caçarola, prepara-se um
refogado com azeite ou  manteiga, cebola picada, cravo, pimenta e açafrão. Passem-se
os pedaços da perdiz na farinha de trigo e em seguida arrumem-se na panela, onde já
está o refogado. Toma-se vinagre misturado com água, e deita-se essa mistura na
panela, onde já está a perdiz, de modo que atinja o meio do recipiente. Sal a gosto.
Leva-se a cozinhar em fogo brando.

Slow Cooked Partridge
Cut a partially baked partridge into chunks.  In a seperate pot, prepare the saute
with olive oil or butter, minced onion, cloves, black pepper and saffron.  Dredge the
partrige pieces in the wheat flour, and then arrange in the pan containing the
saute.  Take vinegar mixed with water, and add this mixture to the pot containing the
partridge enough to fill it halfway.  Add salt to taste.  Cook over low heat

Galinha mourisca
Tome uma galinha crua e faça-a em pedaços.  Em seguida prepara-se um refogado com
duas colheres de manteiga e uma pequena fatia de toucinho. Deita-se dentro a galinha
e deixa-a corar. Cubra-se a galinha com água suficiente para cozê-la, pois não se há
de deitar-lhe outra. Estando a galinha quase cozida, tome-se cebola verde, salsa,
coentro e hortelã, pica-se tudo bem miudinho e deita-se na panela, com um pouco de
caldo de limão. Acabe de cozinhar a galinha muito bem.  Tome então fatias de pão e
disponha-as no fundo de uma terrina, e derrame sobre elas a galinha.Cubra com gemas
escalfadas e polvilhe com canela.

Moorish Chicken
Take a raw chicken and cut it into pieces.  Then prepare a saute with 2 spoonfuls
ofbutter and a small slice of porkbelly.  Add the chicken and let brown.  Cover the
chicken with enough water  to cook it, for you will not add more during the cooking.
When the chicken is almost cooked, take green onion, parsely, cilantro and mint.
Mince them all well and add to the pot, with a little lemon juice.  Allow to keep
cooking until well done.  then take slices of bread and line the bottom of a clay pot
with them and pour the chicken over them.  Cover with coddled yolks and sprinkle with
with cinnamon.

Galinha albardada
Assa-se uma galinha muito bem e corta-se em pedaços.  Passe então os pedaços em ovo
batido e leve-os a fritar em manteiga. Tome fatias de pão passadas no ovo e frite-as
em manteiga, tal qual a galinha. Passe tudo em açúcar, e arrume numa vasilha, as
fatias de pão no fundo. Polvilhe com açúcar e canela.

Egg Fried Chicken
Roast a chicken well and cut into pieces.  Dredge the pieces in beaten eggs and fry
in butter.  Take slices of bread dredged in the egg and fry them in butter, just like
the chicken.  Roll everything in sugar, and arrange in a bowl(? or platter?).
Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Well, that's all for now.  It's interesting to note both similarities to the foods I
grew up with along with vast differences.
Most of our christmas sweets involve deep frying pastry, then rolling in cinnamon
sugar.  However, I had never before seen this method used for meats!.  The saute of
certain ingerdients to use as a base in dishes is also very familiar.  Most of my
mother's dishes involved a  saute (refegado) of olive oil, onion, garlic, parsely,
and sometimes chourica instaed of the pork fat (toucinho).

Faerisa, who will be translating more as she has time
Now, who has time to redact?


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