[Sca-cooks] Speaking of Translations

KarenO karen_ostrowski at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 2 15:58:28 PST 2003

Does anyone remember this post back in May?
>I have, with the assistance of Jeremy Fletcher, completed the second draft
of a translation into English of the 1604 French cookbook "Ouverture de
Cuisine" by Lancelot de Casteau.
It is in French, but is actually a Belgian cookbook, from the city of Liege.
It is primarily a cookbook in the French
tradition, plus there are Dutch and Italian influences.
Master Thorvald Grimsson (James Prescott)
Coordinator, Ouverture translation project<

    I've not heard anything else about it, and I was excited about helping,
then too much stuff happened, so I had to bow out.  So, is it done? is it
available for purchase?


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