[Sca-cooks] calamari

Kathleen A. Roberts karobert at unm.edu
Mon Nov 10 07:09:23 PST 2003

--On Friday, November 07, 2003 11:33 PM -0600 Stefan li Rous 
<StefanliRous at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> So, how was this cooked? Do you know which recipe was used (if any)? And
> how was it served? I recently saw frozen bags of breaded calamari rings
> in my grocery and I've seen it mixed, unbreaded, in some seafood mixes. I
> imagine it can be found by itself, unbreaded.

well, this feast was before my 'iron chef days' but being blessed with a 
rather educated bunch of taste buds, i can usually figure out what is in 
any given dish (and sometimes reproduce without a recipe).   as i recall 
(and hubby seconds to the best of his memory)....

 knowing the cook (sir andre de foucault), i shall assume it was done from 
scratch and he must have had a period recipe or notation of how to cook in 
period.   it was an italian feast, as i recall, with much use of the 'new 
found spices'

i remember rings, no tentacles, some light flouring, and i think it was 
probably baked (or extremely lightly fried).   it was not brown, 
cakey-coated, or crunchy as one would associate with frying.  very tender. 
it had a certain vinegary tart taste, which i assume was some kind of 
drizzed or tossed dressing rather than a sauce.

it was about 5 years ago, i think, so the memory is there but i could be 
missing something.  i have never seen calamari served since, but then 
neither have i seen his cinnamon rubbed roast chicken.   glorious mahogany 
color, beautiful whole bird to the table (thank goodness hubby had a knife 
we could use to carve it with... most at the table looked at the whole bird 
in dismay).   cinnamon certainly overpowered the chicken, but still kinda 


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