[Sca-cooks] Current research on the effects of Cinnamon

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Fri Nov 21 09:33:06 PST 2003

Sharon Gordon posted:
Spicing Up Insulin Sensitivity

ARS News Service
Agricultural Research Service, USDA
Rosalie Marion Bliss, (301) 504-4318, rbliss at ars.usda.gov
November 21, 2003

Less than a half-teaspoon a day of cinnamon reduced the blood sugar
levels of 60 volunteers in Pakistan with Type 2 diabetes who
participated in a study by the Agricultural Research Service and
cooperators in Pakistan. The findings were published online today in the
December issue of Diabetes Care.

Thank you for posting this. I may have to try this. While I have type I diabetes, there may be some type II mixed in as my insulin requirements have gone up. I don't think that doing this will have a detrimental effect, so it may be worth trying.

However, the article is not clear enough about whether this is 'true' cinnamon or cassia. Perhaps some research will turn up more information. Or maybe the research study didn't know of the differance so they may have used either or a mix. It also doesn't specify whether the cinnamon was in powder form in the capsules or a cinnamon oil.


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