[Sca-cooks] Re: Small beer, was period beverages

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Oct 1 16:01:26 PDT 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> Its the MINT! YUCK. I don't even like toothpaste and until very recently
> used a myriad of other things to brush my teeth with. Thank goodness for
> other flavoured toothpaste being readily available for the last 10
> years.

OK, question here. Is it ANY mint you dislike, or just certain flavors? For
example, I love peppermint, but dislike spearmint. Because I dislike sweets
in other than small doses, I'll avoid sekanjuban, but really enjoy
peppermint iced tea. It's not a passionate dislike, unlike my feelings about
bell peppers and licorice flavors, just one of those "will do it
occasionally, but not very ofter, and given the chance, will make another
choice " sorts of things.

Understand your take on toothpaste types of things. Had my dentist about
crazy, trying to find me flavors of various oral chemicals I didn't complain
about. Don't know what "imitation cherry" and "imitation grape" think
they're imitating, but they certainly aren't imitating anything that ever
grew on this earth ;-)

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

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