[Sca-cooks] Re: Oak leave wine

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 08:47:52 PDT 2003

It doesn't state which kind of oak leaves.  Just
ones that are as big as the palm of your hand.

Now all the oak trees I have seen in California
don't have such big leaves, so I am wondering if
the wine is only good for a certain kind of oak.


--- Marcus Loidolt <mjloidolt at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings, Priscilla, or anyone on the list,
> ever
> heard of this recipe? I hadn't, but Master
> Charles
> Oakley provided this one, might be interesting
> to try
> on a good brave spring day!!??
> Abot Johann
> --- c.oakley at att.net wrote:
> > Hey Johann...
> > 
> > Actally the wine recipe came from a real life
> > printed book from our library 
> > over in Peoria!  I don't remember the book
> but it
> > was a rather small one.
> > 
> > The recipe basically went:
> > 
> > In the spring of the year pick oak leaves
> when they
> > are about the size of the 
> > palm of your hand.  Put them into a large
> container
> > and pour boiling water 
> > over them (I boiled about two gallons even
> though I
> > was making a one gallon 
> > batch)...  the boiling water breaks down the
> cell
> > structure of the leaves and 
> > releases the clorophil, etc.  Let the whole
> mess sit
> > until the water cools...
> > 
> > Add sugars (I think I used about 5 cups) and
> mix
> > thoroughly...  let the whole 
> > mess sit covered for about two or three
> days...
> > sturing often...
> > 
> > Strain the liquour off of the leaves and put
> into
> > the jug with an airlock on 
> > it and let it do its fermenting thing...
> > 
> > Its a pretty simple process... and... ummm...
> > washing the leaves in cold 
> > water prior to hitting them with the boiling
> water
> > would probably be a good 
> > idea... but...as I recall I don't think I
> did... 
> > gives the whole disaster a 
> > more 'period feel'... ;-)
> > 
> > Chas.

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shall never cease to be amused.

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