[Sca-cooks] "All the King's Cooks"

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Wed Sep 3 06:35:30 PDT 2003

I haven't seen the book, but I have seen the kitchens, and they are
waaay cool!
I remember seeing one of the boiling kettles--perfectly enormous thing,
which fit into this alcove.  To stir the contents (or to fish something
out, no doubt), one had to actually climb stairs next to the alcove.  My
memory is insisting that the kettle was copper, but I could easily be
wrong--or the kettle could be a later one of some kind.
There was also this interesting area like a modern built-in counter,
except it was a series of mini-stoves, for want of a better phrase. 
There were places on top for smaller cooking vessels (like our
saucepans), and underneath, room for charcoal or wood fires.  I think,
though, that that part of the kitchen was 17th c., but I could be wrong.
I know I took some pictures, but they didn't come out very well.  Some
day I definitely gotta go back! <g>

jenne at fiedlerfamily.net wrote:
> So, can we talk about the information? Pretty please? I'm all excited
> about roasts and boiling kettles and food service and so forth...

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