[Sca-cooks] GM foods

Marcus Loidolt mjloidolt at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 3 21:07:31 PDT 2003

Well, Personaly I don't like GM foods, not because I
nessecarily see them as 'unsafe' but I am much more
invested in the propogation and maintainence of
heritage breeds and strains of seeds and seed plants.

Regardless of how many different types of GM grains
and plants stuffs (as well as animals) we may have, if
we fail to maintain a base population of 'normal'
genetic stock, we place ourselves in danger of
destroying the essence of the original forms.
( I know that sounds a little Platonian for the modern
age, but it may still prove some value, at least in my

Now, as to stock telling the difference... maybe its
just my girls, but those hens will eat ANYTHING that
isn't nailed down, and yes, if we can peck it apart it
wasn't nailed down....!!:)
Kitchen refuse of all kinds, (save curiously anything
citrus!? won't touch that!!) is all eaten by the yard
birds, plus their own hunting, yes, HUNTING!! brings
in bugs, worm, snakes, mice, neighbors bees(straight
out of the hive!!(now has an enclosed fence around and
on top of said hives!) and the occaisonal road kill or
whatever they find if I don't stop them in time!!
Where people like PETA got the idea that chickens were
naturally vegetarian is beyond me, obviously none of
them have been natural chickens!!

Abot Johann von Metten, OL
medieval poultrier

"Let Charity be your hallmark and model for all you do,
if it is not loving, don't do it, it it is loving,
let nothing stop you from doing whatever is needed!"
(St. John Neumann)
"Have no fear or doubt anything and everything you give in this life will be paid back ahundred fold in the next"

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