[Sca-cooks] baking soda vs. baking powder

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Thu Sep 4 06:20:50 PDT 2003

Hard as a rock AND chemical-tasting (although this _was_ all over 30
years ago).
I've never heard of wanting a bitter taste in one's Irish soda bread....
--maire, thinking she'll have to dig out her recipe for it this fall,
when it cools down enough to bake again....

Terry Decker wrote:
> Why were they inedible?  Did they taste bad or were they hard as a rock?
> If the fat/sugar ratio is off or the aeration doesn't take, the odds are you
> get a well baked rock.
> If the taste is off, then the odds are you used to much leavening.  Both
> baking soda and baking powder are alkalis and if you use to much you get a
> bitter after taste, which is what you want with a proper Irish soda bread,
> but don't want with snickerdoodles

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