[Sca-cooks] alternatives to A&S competitions

Elaine Koogler ekoogler1 at comcast.net
Fri Apr 9 05:32:37 PDT 2004

At our upcoming event in May, Challenge of the Heart, we have an 
interesting display that will happen. It is a "first attempts" display. 
The whole idea is for Pearls (our Kingdom grant-level A&S award) and 
Laurels to display an early/first effort at the art for which they 
received their awards. The whole idea is to show new artisans that we 
all started somewhere...and that even if the first effort is a "bust", 
not to give up. I think this is a grand idea, and hope that our folk 
display what they've done so that this will work.


Stefan li Rous wrote:

> I've seen some displays like this, but the artist has really been 
> there to answer questions from the judges, not the populace. I've also 
> seen such expos done instead of classes and less formally than you 
> seem to describe here for the populace. ie: no judging. I was 
> impressed with the active displays at this last year's Lillies War for 
> instance and they seemed to be starting something like this at the 
> last Gulf Wars.
> How do you mean that these Expos tend to get a lot of Laurels 
> participating? Do you mean as the artisans? At least in the formal 
> competitions it seems like the Laurels are actively discouraged or 
> prevented from entering these. But hopefully after someone is given a 
> Laurel they don't stop doing the arts they got the award for. 
> Hopefully they continue to expand the arts they do. However, there 
> often doesn't seem to be any public format for them to display what 
> they've done.
> I would love to have an article for the Florilegium describing these 
> various different A&S formats, the pros and cons of each and useful 
> information for people thinking about running them. Or even an article 
> on just these Expo events.
> Stefan

Learning is a lifetime journey…growing older merely adds experience to 
knowledge and wisdom to curiosity.
					-- C.E. Lawrence

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