[Sca-cooks] Re: Wheatabix

Bill Fisher liamfisher at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 06:30:01 PST 2004

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 00:28:07 -0500, Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius
<adamantius.magister at verizon.net> wrote:
> The concept of the game has changed over the years. While that's not
> inherently bad, it _is_ bad when people pretend things are as they
> always were.

The number of splinter groups has increased as well.  I had my formative
SCA years in south-western Aethelmearc, I never saw a royal progress
till Ruslan became  King  of the East the first time and Margaret was his
queen (Maggie is a friend of mine).  We had the occasional Principality
courts, etc, but I had never seen a kingdom court because we were 
largely ignored by the East.  It wasn't until I started going to events
out near philly that I had exposure to the whole King and "royalist" thing.

> It's not just the Irish; they were just being good tribal people, and
> their concept of kingship was very different. On the other hand, some
> SCAdians today act as if Magna Carta was some new concept made up out
> of whole cloth by crazed pinko extremists, when in fact it was merely
> social chiropractic -- the correction of a trend that was itself
> aberrant.

I think it is a case of what is passed on to them as they come into 
the society.  Lately it seems we are to be good citizens of the make-
believe establishment rather than a persona from a period in time
(and no Trolley, or Lion either).  I think people are skipping the history
fior the society now.

> Then there are the Scots who wrote and signed the Declaration of
> Arbroath, a document which could easily have inspired the American
> Declaration of Independence, but which also clearly echoes the
> writings of Seneca. These were not new concepts in 1776, and I
> confess I get a little creeped out when people suggest it's fun to
> hand over my free will for a day on the weekends, because, they say,
> it is the period thing to do.

It is also period to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate royalty.  But
we largely ignore those aspects due to PC issues.

I have trouble with it because I was largely ignored by them for so long.
But then again, I also had trouble once Aethelmearc became a 
kingdom with the same situation.  There was this sudden swing to the
royalist right from the rabble with persona left.

> I prefer to think of Royalty in the older, Golden Bough sense:
> someone who is investing his or her life in the success of the
> venture we call the kingdom, but who is working in partnership with
> the people.

Yeah, and there are some that I have known that have been that personification.
I've had kings pitch in in my kitchen when I was cooking with a broken ankle
and  was at the end of my ability to stand for the day, but more work needed to 
be done.

I've also had them sneer at me when they walk down the road at Pennsic, like
I was beneath them somehow (and I did shower, it wasn't THAT!) 

> As for Charlie Windsor, I suspect a few Weetabix would do him good.

Sugar Frosted Colon Bombs:  When it's one thing to be a Regular guy,
but another to be Unstopable.

> Adamantius, off the Weetabix box

I think that box and the Weetabix have some of the same ingredients....


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