[Sca-cooks] Ein/Das Buoch Von Guter Spise , and Bonne pops in for a visit

Bonne de Traquair oftraquair at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 10 18:43:29 PST 2004

Hello all, 'tis Bonne de Traquair, stopping off for a brief visit, and to post a request.
I'm doing fine and well, a student in the culinary arts program at Orange Coast Community College.  (got a scholarship even!)  I miss the company of all of you here,  but school and work leave little time for other interests.  And the hard drive crashed at home so I am limited to using the computer lab at school or public library.  I re-activated my subscription last week in hopes of finding time to read a little now and then. This computer seems to want to use different colors and fancy fonts and stuff, I hope this does not cause major problems like is used to for some readers. (Crosses fingers)
Through my husband's interests, we often host the Gylldenholt Bards in our home, so if you find yourself in Caid on the second Friday of the month, come on over!  
And now to the request portion of this e-mail: 
I have a project on German cooking for one of my classes. Some links in the Florilegium seem to have withered, can someone post an update for me (and Stefan) ?   
1)Subject: SC - Ein/Das Buoch Von Guter Spise 

I've been advised by Mistress Caterina Sichlingen Von Nurnberg that her translation of Ein Buoch Von Guter Spise is available on the Web at the following URL: 

2) Herr Dr. Glonings site: 



I'm scrolling through the rest of the food-by-region, Germany collection on the Florilegium of course.  Thanks to whoever can update me on these references.

Much love, 

Lady Bonne


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