[Sca-cooks] waxing sentimental [was Recent Test]

vicki shaw vhsjvs at gis.net
Tue Feb 10 07:44:41 PST 2004

WELL, that's how it was for me in college; ye olde typewriter.  and I hd
flunked typing in HS!  But now, after years of technical writing using
better and better word processing systems, I have taught myself to type
without having to look at the keys, memorizing sentence fragments and then
typing them!  Took years to get to 50 wpm, but I got there!  Which reminds
me that my brother sent me a stack of handwritten recipes he had taken over
the phone from my mother over the years and I have to type them.

For Christmas for my daughter, I took those I had found in her writing after
she died, and slipped them into plastic sheets with three-hole punched tabs,
imported a photo of my mum, and wrote a few words about her fame as a superb
cook and hostess, from Boston to Casablanca, to make a cover sheet which I
slipped into the cover of the three ring binder.  When she opened the box
and saw the cover and read the words she burst into tears.

Jennifer (my daughter) takes after my mother.  Her cooking skills far exceed
mine and I am not a bad cook myself.  But while I was at work and Jen was
with my mother, she learned the skills from her directly.  What I know I
learned on my own because when I grew up in Casablanca we had maids.  If I
learned from anyone at all, it was from watching the maid cook Moroccan
dishes.  My mother would cook for the fancy dinner parties she had and I was
shooed out of the kitchen.  One dish she used to make that I adored was
"Blanquette de veau" - veal in a white sauce.  Have never had it since and
now that my consciousness has been raised about veal,  I have never bought
it on my own.  Of course if someone tells me there is such a thing as
cruelty-free veal meat, I will dig up a blanquette recipe and make it.
Forgive me for waxing sentimental.....
Time to start typing the recipes so Jennifer can add them to her book....

Angharad Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Recent Test

> *groan*
> That's when I started college--I made it through my entire extended
> college career without a PC.  *sigh*  Had to use this old semi-electric
> typewriter.  Man, but I hated fixing typos! And figuring out how to plan
> for footnotes! yech!
> --maire

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