[Sca-cooks] Argan oil (culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic)

vicki shaw vhsjvs at gis.net
Tue Feb 10 08:30:06 PST 2004

Greetings all,
Has anyone heard of Argan Oil?  I use it for its cosmetic properties in my
soap and other products, but it is also used in food (never ever cooked).
When the seeds are toasted, they have a wonderful fragrance similar to the
smell of roasting peanuts, but the taste is different.  Maybe a bit closer
to toasted sesame oil, but still different.  Cant describe.  It is excellent
on salads and wonderful to dip toasted bread into or Moroccan flat bread.
It has become the chou chou (darling) of chefs in Europe.  The Moroccan man
who imports it and sells to me is in Canada and he just sent me an article
from a French paper.  I will copy and paste what he sent me.  It is in
French.  I am happy to xlate for anyone interested, but you can also go to
www.targanine.com and select to read in English.  The argan tree is
indigenous to Morocco tho it is now being planted and grown successfully in
several countries.
It is excellent for stretch marks if applied the minute they appear; also
proven to work on exzema, a condition that has defied cure for a long time.
It softens skin as well which is why I put it in my soap. Taken internally
(the toasted oil) has been proven excellent for the heart and other

So, without further ado, here is what I received from my friend in Montreal.
There is a photo of him in my website.

      Son efficacité et sa valeur se confirment

      L'huile d'argan possède des vertus naturelles susceptibles de soigner
plusieurs maux. Sa richesse en acides gras essentiels est déterminante dans
la prévention de l'infarctus du myocarde et de la réduction du taux de
cholestérol dans l'organisme. Des enseignants et des étudiants chercheurs
marocains du laboratoire de recherches sur les lipoprotéines de la faculté
des sciences Ben M'Sik Sidi Othmane de Casablanca ont été primés
dernièrement par deux sociétés savantes de cardiologie marocaine et
française pour leurs travaux sur cette huile et son rôle dans la prévention
nutritionnelle des maladies cardio-vasculaires ... ( suite article dans le
site du MDS ci après )


Angharad ferch Iorwerth; MKA Vicki Shaw
Barony Beyond the Mountain
East Kingdom
vhsjvs at gis.net

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