[Sca-cooks] catching drippings

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Feb 22 13:05:52 PST 2004

Nope.  But then I rarely eat meatloaf or pizza, and never hot dogs.
I'm wondering if you could make something similar to this by cooking the 
chicken on some sort of rack suspended over a roasting pan that held the 
bread.....(oh, duh, that's about what the second one says! ;o)
--maire, who's gonna have to quit reading these emails, or she'll start 
digesting herself! <weg>

vicki shaw wrote:

> Can you imagine being satisfied with meat loaf, hamburgers, hot dogs and
> pizza when there are such exquisite and subtle things to eat out there in
> the wide world!
> Angharad
>  > Judhab Lhubz al-Qata'if. Take qata'if-bread as required: spray the
>>dish with a little rose-water, and place the bread thereon in layers,
>>putting between each layer almonds and sugar, or pistachio ground
>>fine: spray again with rose-water. When the bread fills the dish,
>>pour on a little fresh sesame-oil, and cover with syrup. Hang over it
>>a fat plucked chicken, smeared with saffron: when cooked, remove.
>>Small stuffed qata'if are also treated in this way.
>>A later judhab recipe says:
>>The method of suspending the chicken over judhab is as follows. Hang
>>it up in the oven, and watch: then, when the fat is about to run,
>>place the judhab under it.

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