[Sca-cooks] Food in Tolkien(OOP) but event related....

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 23 12:17:40 PST 2004

>  >>Lembas, the way-bread of the elves, is described as "thin cakes, made of a
>  >>meal that was baked a light brown on the outside, and inside was the
>  >>colour of cream."
>  >
>  >And "One will keep a traveler on his feet for a day of long labour, even if
>  >he be one of the tall Men of Minas Tirith." I suppose that this means that
>  >each one contains over 2000 calories, at least about 250 calories of
>  >protein, perhaps 30 grams of fiber, and some yummy vitamins and minerals.
>  >:-)
>  >
>  >So what time of year is this feast going to be?
>  >
>  >Henry/Alex
>Lembas.  hmm.  If I were to make something like this I believe I would go
>for a almond paste shortbread type of thing.

Shortbread, even though i adore a good shortbread, is generally far 
to crumbly to take on a journey successfully - other folks, can't 
recall if on this list or another, keep suggesting shortbread for 
lembas. Lembas sounds more like pemmican to me, in it's high caloric 
value, mix of protein and other nutrients, and it's ability to 
"keep". Now, i grant you that pemmican isn't bread and isn't made of 
meal, so lembas isn't really pemmican. But, well, i assume there is 
something a bit "magical" about lembas that makes it so long keeping 
and so nutritious.


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