[Sca-cooks] RE: Viking Clay Mold Casting classes

JAMES REVELLS sudnserv5 at verizon.net
Sun Feb 29 22:09:36 PST 2004

    Thanks, Stefan, I understand about time at Pennsic, but it is not a
quick subject to teach in a hands on way.  The best article I have seen (in
fact where I learned most of what I know) is online at:
   No mater what happens I will be bringing examples of stuff I am working
on now.  I will also be bringing a forge that is set up for traveling, but
uses the traditional style Norse hole-in-the-dirt forge, but is in a box so
I don't have to dig holes at events (thanks to Phlip for showing me pictures
of the Wolves of Woton forge set up).  I plan to do a set of notes on the
forge & my version of the process this summer.  If I am confident in the
material I will let you publish it in the foliothig a ma jig.
----- Original Message ----- >
> These two classes do sound really interesting. Squeezing in that much
> time at Pennsic might or might not work for me though. If you do decide
> to do these I guess it will depend on what else is scheduled then. But
> it would certainly be of interest to me. Even if you don't teach the
> class will you have some examples of the work you've done using this
> process that I might be able to see?
> If you ever decide to do a paper on this, either as a how-to or as a
> paper on what and how the Norse did this, I'd love to have it for the
> Florilegium. I can handle photos or diagrams if you have permission to
> use them.
> Stefan

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