[Sca-cooks] Fwd: Lunar New Year food photos...

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Jan 25 21:27:23 PST 2004

Hey, Lainie, maybe those of us who are -uh- geographically challenged, 
as far as getting the chance to eat some of Adamantius' cooking should 
just have a pity party at the Rock, next Lunar New Year.
'Course, if I ever win the lottery (not that I play, but...), that would 
have to change! Maybe a whole bunch of us would just *have* to happen to 
show up on a certain Roman's doorstep....<weg>
--maire, in a mood to be...whimsical (yeah, whimsical.  sounds better 
than being a pain in the.....)

Laura C. Minnick wrote:
> At 01:14 PM 1/25/2004, you wrote:
>> Please let me know if this does or does not work, folks!
>> Adamantius
>>> You have been invited to view a dotPhoto album! Album Name - Year of 
>>> the Monkey
>> From - Philip Troy
>>> <http://www.dotphoto.com/Go.asp?l=adamantius&P=monkey&AID=1311712&GID=778446&T=1> 
> That's it. Next year, I'm coming out, and I will join the indominable 
> Grandma in hassling Brennan, and watch with awe while you prepare such 
> lovely delights, and then I will eat such delights and they will need a 
> shoehorn to wedge me back onto the plane!
> Which is to say, it looks lovely and I wish I was there to share it!
> 'Lainie

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