[Sca-cooks] Clabbered Milk

Martha Carey Oser osermart at msu.edu
Thu Jul 15 06:29:55 PDT 2004

> Technically, Butter is made form fresh cream, which is agitated to the point that the butterfat droplets in suspension whang together with sufficient force that they form large enough clumps that they can be strained off. That is not curdling, that is "clabbarding" 
> Brandu

On the contrary, "clabbered" milk is something like homemade yogurt in the 
sense that much of the lactose is broken down by bacterial action.  To my 
knowledge, which is admittedly limited, this has nothing to do with churning 
butter.  Clabbered milk is used in many indigenous cultures where whole, 
fresh milk cannot be kept and can be used by people who are lactose 

Please see this website for more information about the use of milk and 
yogurt and such. 



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