[Sca-cooks] When cheese is not cheese

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at freescale.com
Tue Jul 13 16:25:35 PDT 2004

Maire replied to me with:
You might want to add a "cheese-other" file, for those things that have 
been referred to as cheeses but aren't even dairy products, in our sense 
of the word, like quince pastes....
My problem with this is that I don't think most people will look for these items in such a file. In the case of quince paste, I already have these files: (just in case anyone is interested. :-) )
fruit-quinces-msg (73K)  5/13/04    Period uses and recipes for quinces.
marmalades-msg    (76K)  6/18/04    Period marmalades and fruit jellies and jams

Sort of similar is also this file:
molded-foods-msg  (16K)  4/ 4/04    Period and modern molded foods. Molds.


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