[Sca-cooks] viking food and fall fruit

a5foil a5foil at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jul 31 05:33:26 PDT 2004

Adamantius scripsit:

> So I'd say if I had to generalize, yes, honey is the primary
> sweetener, with imported dried fruits having a role, and possibly
> small amounts of imported sugar.

Early on -- remember, this is Vikings we're discussing -- if sugar was
available at all, it was almost exclusively a medicinal, possibly a spice,
but not a general sweetener. Sugar was an import.

Jadwiga -- what is the general time frame for your feast? What was available
as imports does change over time. Also, you did say Viking/Slavic, so keep
in mind I am mostly thinking Viking/English.

If they are available, you can also use peaches, plums, and cherries. In
November, though, you might not be able to get much besides apples.
Applesauce (appulmoy) is a popular dish at Viking Thyng -- just sweeten it
with honey (and leave out the almond milk).


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