[Sca-cooks] S.O.B Stew

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Fri Jun 4 12:26:57 PDT 2004

Also sprach Michael Gunter:
>>(margut is also an indispensable ingredient in the cowboy classic 
>>S.O.B. Stew).
>Wow! I thought I was the only person who knew about SOB Stew!
>Of course you would know about it. I read a book when I was 15 or
>so about Chuckwagons and there was an entire chapter devoted to it.

There's a chapter on it (as well as a lot of other stuff on chuck 
wagons and famous chuck wagon cooks), in Frank X. Tolbert's "A Bowl 
Of Red", a semi-scholarly history of chili con carne. We also made 
SOB in culinary school, if you'd believe it, as an example of a dish 
from (are you ready?) an American regional cuisine. As it happened, 
though, not even my instructors knew where to find margut in New York 
City (probably because they didn't ask me), so our attempts were 
probably pretty feeble by cowboy standards.

I've since discovered that while I do like sweetbreads in a 
fricassee, I don't much care for them in stew.


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