[Sca-cooks] Re: [EKCooksGuild] Trial by Fire competition

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Jun 23 09:40:51 PDT 2004

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> > So, if we're that interested, why don't we do it?

> Do which?

> 1) Put it on my calendar and come by and watch:
>    Certainly possible depending on when. Someone has to organize it and
> publicize it, though.

Yeah, that would help ;-)

> 2) Cook on a team:
>    Possibly. But not unless I had a stack of reference materials to work
> from. I'm not that good coming up with period recipes off the top of my
> head. Maybe my palm pilot with the Florilegium on the flash card. :-)
> But considering the talent evident at the SCA-Cooks pot luck there are
> more talented folks available. I'm rather in awe of the dishes I see
> being turned out in the various iron-chef contests detailed here.

Not a problem- I can bring my sources, understanding that all mine are
period translations- I don't, I think, have any commercial redaction
collections. Margali's copy of Cindy's stuff, and Cariadoc's cookbooks are
as close as I come.

> 3) Judge it:
>    Sure. I like to eat. :-)

Yeah, but if it has veggies in it, you'll instantly knock it down in points

> 4) Organize it:
>    Remember last year's Florilegium Tile Project? Some nice entries, but
> hardly a rousing turnout. And it is even later in the year now.
> Stefan

Well, last year, you came up with the idea, then didn't DO anything with it.
If we'd like to get something going like this, we need someone with lots of
enthusiasm, and not a lot of sense (because anyone with a lot of sense would
realize what they're getting into ;-) to take it on, and set it up.

I'm just a bit busy, considering I've just volunteered to do a couple of
overnights at Point 1st week, in addition to everything else, but I'd LOVE
to enter something like that.

Anybody feeling particularly energetic and masochistic out there? Jadwiga,
SHUT UP- no helium hands accepted from you ;-P


Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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