[Sca-cooks] Those little while caps...

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at freescale.com
Mon May 3 09:17:08 PDT 2004

Olwen commented:
Um..I'm not a garb expert by any means, but for all I'm worth, I do believe 
someone should check into this better.  Those little white caps were worn 
for centuries by both men and women from many regions.  Not always white or 
unadorned by either sex.  By the Italian Ren veils and such sort of went 
away and many hats did too, replaced on women with the ribbon braiding and 
all manner of floppy hats for both men and women.
If someone has written, or would like to write, an article on these "little white caps" or an overview of caps and headpieces through the Middle Ages, I'd love to have it for the Florilegium. I think the latter would be of particular interest to newcomers.

I just scared myself...
How so?


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