[Sca-cooks] OOP: Which Food TV Chef are you?

Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Tue May 4 10:43:20 PDT 2004

Also sprach Huette von Ahrens:
>--- "Phil Troy / G. Tacitus Adamantius"
><adamantius.magister at verizon.net> wrote:
>>  I was figuring Huette was the anti-Adamantius,
>How can you say that about me??? [Sniff]  I am
>your greatest fan!!!  [Sniff]  I worship the
>that you walk on!!!  [Sob!]  I envy those who get
>to cook with you on a regular basis!!!  [Sob!]
>I believe everything you say without even
>your facts!!! [Whaaaaaa!!! Sob!!! Sob!!!]

I said that because your description of taking the little test coming 
out first as Alton Brown and then as Tyler Florence exactly mirrored 
my description of coming out first as Tyler Florence and later as 
Alton Brown. I'm not dissing you; rather, I am simply acknowledging a 
practical application of the yin and yang concept.

Think of the world, the myriad opposing forces whose juxtaposition 
forms the continents, the oceans, life itself. On one side, the yang, 
the white, rotating counterclockwise, east to west, and using frozen 
corn. On the other, yin, black, clockwise, west to east, and canned 

Without both... there is nothing.

Adamantius (imagining what woulda happened if I had said I was The 
Bizarro Huette, after it already being established that I am the Evil 
Twin of Master Robin Argyle)

>Huette, curling up unto a fetal ball because
>her culinary God has rejected her, sobbing her
>heart out ...

I'm getting all teary-eyed here myself...

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