[Sca-cooks] Okay, so this is vaguely food-related...

Tara Sersen Boroson tara at kolaviv.com
Thu May 27 10:28:08 PDT 2004

Ok, I admit to being a little confused.  The vatican letter seemed to 
imply that while exceptions could be made, it was grudgingly accepted.  
That is, if it's so important to take both wafer and wine that a celiac 
sufferer wouldn't be considered for Holy Orders, then it seems like it's 
not unimportant for everyone to take both, just accepted due to demand.  
Whether that is literally the case or not, it's certainly the take-home 
message that many celiacs seem to have gotten.

Tara Sersen Boroson

Mom-asté: the mother in me recognizes and honors the mother in you.

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