[Sca-cooks] Overdocumentation

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Sat Nov 20 02:42:28 PST 2004

At 11:15 AM 11/19/2004, you wrote:
> > I have to say that I agree. ***While I understand that many people find 
> that
> > they are more motivated to push for a higher standard in their work when
> > they are working on a contest entry***, I find that there is a negative
> > flipside to this- that is, the idea that you only do the research/use the
> > period techniques/use the most authentic of materials when you're doing it
> > for a contest. How many times have you heard someone say something like
> > "Oh, this isn't period, it's not for a contest or anything"?
>Very seldom, actually.

How odd. Maybe we're heathens out here, but I've heard it and similar 
sentiments discouraginly often.

>  > Putting together documentation for a project is a good way to check 
> our own
> > progress- it makes it a little harder to let things slide (or at least we
> > have to be honest about it). But in a perfect world, we would do the
> > research and craftsmanship for the pleasure of itself- just because it's a
> > neat thing to do, not because of an external reward. Of course this 
> isn't a
> > perfect world...
>I use contests and displays as deadlines for me to do my research and
>write it up, when it comes to a particular herbal item.

Bingo- which is what I was trying to get at, sorta, with the comment marked 
(***) above. I know it acts as a motivator, because I have a hard time 
finishing stuff when there isn't a deadline! What bothers me (And mind you, 
I am NOT suggesting that you do this, because it is already clear that it 
is the case) is when it is apparent that a contest or competition is the 
primary or even the only motivator. Not everyone is so self-motivated as 
you are (I will readily admit I'm lazy- once I have figured out the right 
way, I'm all-too inclined to cut corners. I'm a bum :-) How to spread the 
word that the process is just as enjoyable as the product, and that it's 
jiffy keen to do period stuf Just Because... I don't know. It's like 
telling a teenager to clean their room because it is some much nicer to 
live in when it's clean. You know it, and they know it- but it's the rare 
kid that will do it before you resort to threats. (Trust me on this- I know 

>After I've done the research, or before I've finished the research, I
>may opt to take short cuts. I wouldn't enter them in a competition in
>most cases... but that's not because I value the external reward more
>than the research, it's that those venues offer a possibility of sharing
>my art at the highest level with artisans who will appreciate it, while
>I may cut some corners when dragging my stuff all 'round the kingdom in
>order to be able to introduce it to more people.

I agree. Now how can we encourage more people to think like that? Can you 
imagine how fewer polyester t-tunics we'd see? Just that would be worth it! :-)

The penalty good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be 
governed by men worse than themselves. -- Plato  

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