[Sca-cooks] Names of foods in other languages

UlfR ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
Thu Oct 7 20:39:18 PDT 2004

Sharon Gordon <gordonse at one.net> [2004.10.07] wrote:
> And thanks for the correction on the Bosnian vs Serbo-Croat language.  We
> asked the guy who was trying to figure out rhubarb what language he spoke
> and he said "Bosnian"--hence our confusion.  So does anyone know the

There are political aspects of the language designations. Back before
Tito died there was only Serbo-Croat (and the "dialectally" differing
Croato-Serbian). These days I am not at all surprised that a Bosnian
will only use the term "Bosnian" for his or her language.


UlfR Ketilson                               ulfr at hunter-gatherer.org
"First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing
weirds language.  Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing
because I no verbs."		-- Peter Ellis on afp

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