[Sca-cooks] looking for middle eastern

David Friedman ddfr at daviddfriedman.com
Thu Oct 7 18:43:11 PDT 2004

>Hi there.  I am looking to plan an event for this year in which it will have
>a definite middle eastern theme (thousand and one arabian nights,
>Concordia's crystal snowflake ball).  I am looking to instead of a feast
>provide what amounts to a never ending buffet through out the day and was
>wondering what suggestions people might have as to where to look for
>recipes, recipes or dishes.

You can find quite a lot of worked out period Islamic recipes in the 
Miscllany, webbed at:


I also have a 13th c. Andalusian cookbook webbed at:


If you want the fun of working out recipes yourself.

Some of the things in the Miscellany that might work for your purpose 
include barmakiya, which is a thin layer of meat and onions between 
two thin layers of bread (as I make it, at least), and Khushkananaj, 
Murakaba, hais, and hulwa, which are all desert sorts of things. But 
you should really look through the recipes and decide for 
yourself--there are a lot of them.

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