[Sca-cooks] beef per gallon

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 31 09:28:05 PST 2004

--- Jonathan and Rebecca Barber <barber at runbox.com> wrote:

> My first reaction is that that sounds a bit light; usually I shoot for 3-4 oz of meat per
> person, so if the plan is to serve 8 people per gallon you are at around 2oz.

3-4 oz of meat per person for a soup??  That sounds a bit heavy to me.  Heck, most modern
sandwiches don't even have 4 oz of meat in them.  Remember that this is supposed to be a 'light'
meal, just to brace the new/late arrivals at camp, and the soup is going to have kasha in it, as
well, which will provide bulk.  Bread will also be served, in addition to other offerings.  A
quarter pound of meat in an 8 oz bowl seems awfully...well...beefy to me.  If this were a stew,
I'd agree that the protein should be 'beefed up', but the author is just looking for something to
offer his camp mates when they arrive on site, and I think he's right on target with 1 lb per

I think the main thing to remember here is that the Traveller's Fare will also contain other,
bulky offerings, to satisfy any hunger pangs which may evidence themselves during the coach ride
to war.  This meal, if I am not mistaken, is merely offered to 'take the edge off', and provide a
warm welcome to his travelling allies.

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong (it happens quite often).

Now that I am thinking about it, a rich beef broth (perhaps emboldened with a bit of Port) and a
crusty loaf of country bread sounds just smashing to me right now.  What a great way to take the
chill off of a dreary October afternoon.

William de Grandfort
Shire of Wintermist (they call it that for a reason, you know...)

Every heart to love will come... but like a refugee.

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