[Sca-cooks] was Libum recipe now whole wheat bread

Samrah auntie_samrah at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 3 20:47:19 PDT 2004

Really interested, but really don't want to put anybody out, especially since you're moving.  When and if it is convenient, please post.  I bake good bread.  Been baking bread for 35 years.  Family recipe is an accidental "challah" my Jewish friends tell me.  Not being a spoon tease, but it truly is a rather basic egg bread which gets modified to do all sorts of basic bread things (from whole wheat to cinnamon rolls ;o)  

AEllin Olafs dotter <aellin at earthlink.net> wrote:
If you're seriously interested in baking with 100% whole wheat flour, 
look for The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book, by Laurel Robertson, Carol 
Flinders and um... someone else... (My copy is buried right now, I'm 
moving things, I can see it, I just can't get to it. If you're 
interested, I'll find you the cite later.) They suggest a slightly 
different method and a great deal of kneading, rather than more leaven, 
and I have used it to make perfectly good bread. I mean - you wouldn't 
mistake it for Wonder Bread, but I wouldn't want to... but it is no 
denser than the average commercial "Multi grain" or whatever bread. Not 
a brick at all. It does take a little practice, if you're used to quick 
rise white breads, because it's easy to add too much flour, when you're 
trying to get the texture you're used to - hence the brick.

The next thing I want to try is to use their recipe with the King 
Arthur's "White Whole Wheat." It's hard white wheat, more commonly used 
in Europe, I gather, rather than the hard red wheat (with the rather 
strong flavor not everyone likes) that the typical American flour uses.


OK, so now I read the rest of the postings and find Bear recommends that 
flour... *G*

And a sponge is one of several options this book suggests, though they 
have a basic method without one. And, as I said, I bake good bread with 

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