[Sca-cooks] More on that book - conmercial

Devra at aol.com Devra at aol.com
Sat Apr 23 16:48:38 PDT 2005

        Here's some additional info I squeezed out of the book in response to 
a couple of queries...
     First off, I made a mistake - it's a paperback, not a hardcover.  There 
is, surprisingly, no index, but there is a bibliography and a table of 
contents in the back of the book. The recipes seem to be modern interpretations, 
since they include measurements.  Ah - there is an index of sorts, in the middle 
of the book, with such headings as Recettes pour malades et convalescents, and 
Recettes salees, and Recettes a l'aigre-doux.  I think that they identify the 
sources - well, in front of a recipe it says 'Dans le Sent Sovi, au chapitre 
CCXII, 'Qui parla con sa feu ffer pex' on explique comment preparer du poisson 
avec roquettes'.  One long section discusses the different kinds of foods - 
les herbes aromatiques, and les cereales, for example. One chapter is entitled 
Caracterisiques et identite de la cuisine catalane, which seems fairly 
straightforward. In the section on the sources, they mention 'Journale des depenses 
journalieres de Dame Saura en 1307', Ramon Llull, El libro de totes maneres de 
fer confits'...

     I hope that this is some help to you.  You really need someone who reads 
French to look at it.
     Table of Contents
            La vie socio-economique durante le regne de Jaume II de Majorque
            Les conseils d'hygiene alimentair d'Arnau de Vilanove et leur 
importance dans le societe medievale
            Le savoir-vivre a table selon Eiximenis
            Premier traites culinaires catalans (inc les sources litteraires)
            Les ailentents utilises en pays catalans
            Caracteristiques et identite de la cuisine catalane
            Quelques recettes medievales catalanes

Hope that this is what you wanted.

Devra Langsam
devra at aol.com

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