[Sca-cooks] strange recipe

Mairi Ceilidh jjterlouw at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 12 12:06:36 PDT 2005

>Question:  Where do you buy Whale Barf<ambergrise>?
> >
> >joy
> >Radei
> Ambergris is not really whale barf. I realize you were being
> humorous, but i don't want lurkers to be led astray.
> The sperm whale is the largest toothed whale and does not have a
> baleen, which is a sort of filter. Instead, it eats various things
> that have hard  and sharp parts that are not digested, like squid
> beaks. Ambergris is a waxy substance produced to coat these hard
> sharp bits so they don't injure the whale's digestive system. Yes, it
> is regurgitated. But barf as i think of it is food you eat and
> started to digest in your stomach, but for various reasons have
> vomited up. Ambergris is rather different than partially digested
> food mixed with stomach acids.
> -- 
> Urtatim, formerly Anahita

So what you are saying is that ambergris is the whales equivalent of a
pearl, which he hacks up like a cat does a fur ball?

(Where is that rock?)

Mairi Ceilidh

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