[Sca-cooks] medieval forestry

Laura C. Minnick lcm at jeffnet.org
Tue Apr 12 23:59:10 PDT 2005

At 11:48 PM 4/12/2005, you wrote:
>'Lainie gave a wonderful overview of medieval English forestry law:

Thanks, Stefan- nice to be appreciated :-)

>Thank you! Up until now I had only a little bit on the forest laws, even 
>though their effects can be seen in many places, especially in England.
>forestry-msg      (12K) 10/25/01    Medieval forestry.
>I really do need to get around to creating and posting a "requested 
>articles list" for the Florilegium.

My, isn't that a nice-- over there-- (gotta run while I still can!)

>>Ooh! The rain has stopped (briefly)! I've got to run to the library
>>while I can- otherwise I'll need snorkel and find to get home...
>boat-building-msg (40K)  9/ 6/01    Building boats using medieval techniques.

*snert!* I'm re-envisioning a remark from a Debate last fall- "Need some 
gopherwood?" For awhile this afternoon if was coming down so hard (with 
hail too) I was looking around for that line of animals, two by two...

(And we're still behind on the water year. :-(

O it is excellent to have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it 
like a giant--Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act II  

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