[Sca-cooks] Heinlein was Cannibalism , ritualistic or otherwise

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 25 08:49:58 PDT 2005

A huge fan of murder mysteries and Edgar Allen Poe beginning when i 
was 6 (my dad didn't know i was sneaking off his paperbacks), I had 
been introduced to science fiction in high school by a truly classic 
geek-nerd (plastic pocket protector, brown briefcase, white dress 
shirt, black "birth control" glasses) in 1963 (i didn't mention the 
slide rule, because i had one, too, for my advanced math classes). He 
was at my school bus stop and i actually spoke to him like he was a 
human being. He introduced me to Heinlein, among others.

A bit later, reading "Stranger in a Strange Land" was de rigour for 
us hippies, so i read it in late 67 or very early 68 when i was 
living in Manhattan. I found it to be a great disappointment. I much 
prefer Heinlein's earlier stuff.

Heck, there's a whole religion based on it, The Church of All Worlds 
- www.caw.org - although "Stranger..." has now moved into the 
background a bit after all these decades and 
counter-cultural/sub-cultural changes.

Hmmm, no food content.
Urtatim, formerly Anahita

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