[Sca-cooks] RE: Plums

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Sat Aug 6 06:24:59 PDT 2005

The Norse probably had access to plums and prunes beginning around 900 CE 
when they began direct trade with Byzantium.  Since Pliny (79 CE) states 
that the Syrian plum made its way first to Greece and then to Italy, I would 
assume that plums were in cultivation in the Mediterranean regions when the 
Vikings arrived.

According to the Cambridge World History of Food, plums were introduced into 
England by the Normans, suggesting that either the Romans or the Norse had 
introduced their cultivation into Normandy.


> Kool! So it was the reg. plumes/prunes that were used and not the red.
> My question is, did the Norse have access to the prunes/plums?
> As was stated, "....but otherwise it fits what I know about Hiberno-Viking
> cooking. I've read that they loved plums."
> I was wanting docs. because Norse is one of my areas of interest and would
> love to increase the variety to the "smorgasbord". :)
> Lyse

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