[Sca-cooks] Harry Potter Trailer OP OT

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Tue Aug 9 06:08:51 PDT 2005

Used in an early ceremony of some sort, wasn't it?
--maire, who's got Pu in Latin, too
p.s.  I doubt it was the same Latin class ;-( --my first-year teacher 
was this dried up old Jesuit with absolutely no sense of humor, and a 
reasonably well-practiced dislike of women, although it was the young 
men he thumped on the head with a little book when they got something 
wrong.  Our Latin texts, lord help us, hadn't been updated since the 
late 40s.  It was only later that I learned the Latin Hat Dance ;-D  I 
liked my second and third years much better--got into Virgil, and 
Catullus in year 2 (although my translation dictionary was a prude, 
which made it hard with Catullus sometimes).  3rd year, which I didn't 
finish, we were doing Horace.
I miss it, although if I were to be learning a language now, it'd be 

Susan Fox wrote:

> Hee!  Were we in the same Latin class?  We did that incessantly and drove
> our teacher to distraction.
> Just so people don't think this is something new:  while we were packing, we
> found copies of Winnie-The-Pooh in various German and Yiddish.  If I recall
> correctly, the language edition count of this pre-Harry Potter classic is
> 31. Extra points to whomever can tell me why "WINNIE ILLI PU" is significant
> in early SCA history.
> Selene Colfox
> On 8/8/05 6:28 PM, "Sue Clemenger" <mooncat at in-tch.com> wrote:
>>I've only got a copy of Book 1 in Latin, but then, I read Latin, but not
>>--Maire, singing "amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant" to the Mexican
>>Hat Dance song....

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