[Sca-cooks] planting fish

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Tue Dec 13 13:02:26 PST 2005

Actually, the stalks would support the beans. The squash was the ground
creeper. The group planting also helps with moisture.
I think I am remembering wrong but I think one of the plants provided
nitrogen to the soil which helped one of the other plants that thrive on
nitrogen. The fish added extra nutrients (early form of Miracle Grow?)
The "3 sisters" is an area specific belief, therefore "many native tribes"
would not have used that planting method.

-----Original Message-----
I'd imagine not, since many native tribes used a group planting method I've
heard described as the 'three sisters", you plant corn, squash and beans in
the  same hill,  and the corn stalk acts as a stake for the other two. They
grow and intertwine and support each other.

I'd imagine depending on when they flower, they'd attract more bees to
pollinate the crops too.


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