[Sca-cooks] fertilizers was: planting fish

otsisto otsisto at socket.net
Thu Dec 15 23:16:43 PST 2005

>From my understand fish fertilizer stunk REAL bad. It is recently that with
the new process it isn't as bad.
The Ag community (at least in MO) is slowly shifting towards fertilizers
that are not petrolium based. The main thing they look for is something that
works and works well and is cheap. "Organic" fertilizers are not always
Your greastest shift to "organic" fertilizers are in the urban areas with
small gardens.
Personally it sounds like Mr. Kunstler is make a mountain out of hill.


-----Original Message-----
>You mention that "even today we use fertilizers based on fish,
>seaweed...". Is this in the industrial countries like the U.S. or do
>you just mean in the third-world and developing countries? The reason
>I ask is that I've been reading "The Long Emergency - Surviving the
>Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century" by James Howard
>Kunstler. One of his points is that modern industrial farming is
>based some much on the use of petroleum, including the huge amount of
>fertilizers and insecticides used, that as the oil starts to run out,
>it will be very disruptive to agriculture in the U.S.

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