[Sca-cooks] Eleanor of Castile was Lemons and neither Noty nor Notye

Johnna Holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Mon Feb 7 05:39:58 PST 2005

Eleanor De Castile. Born: 1244 in Burgos,
Burgos, Castile (Spain) Died: 28 NOV 1290

So  dying at age 46 after having given birth to 15 children
makes one an old bat, does it?

J l Lewis

Chris Stanifer wrote:

>  As for those fabled ship's records C. Anne Wilson notes
>>that in 1289 Queen Eleanor (who was a princess from Castile)
>>received 15 lemons and  7 oranges. Upon her deathbed they managed
>>to procure her an additional 39 lemons for an outstandingly high price.
>What were the circumstances surrounding the purchase?  Were the lemons needed in a hurry (like,
>before the old bat kicked the can?)  And why not charge the royalty an arm and a leg for a rush
>order of lemons?  They've got the cash.
>William de Grandfort

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