[Sca-cooks] about the rant

caointiarn caointiarn1 at juno.com
Mon Feb 7 15:36:01 PST 2005

> There is a PROFOUND difference between heckling someone and offering some
alternative sources.
> There is a PROFOUND difference between heckling someone and offering a
candid assessment of what you think about the persons efforts at the behest
of the recipient.
> There is a PROFOUND difference between heckling someone and mentioning
quietly to a friend that susch and such is not all that period.
> There is a PROFOUND difference between heckling someone and politely
asking what sources they used.
> There is a PROFOUND difference between heckling someone and asking why
modern elements are knowingly and intentionally chosen for activities or

    heckling is period  -- I have documentation!  running for the rock now .
. . . . .Caointiarn

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