[Sca-cooks]Feasts Per Year

JP Coane coane at comcast.net
Sat Jan 15 15:26:00 PST 2005

I live in the East Kingdom in the Shire of Iron Bog. Our shire puts on two 
to three events each year with feast. The typical number of people is 100 
with a cost of $8-$10 per head.

But we are just a shire in the Southern Region of the East Kingdom, every 
weekend there are events, up to 4, I can drive to and they usually all serve 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Friedman" <ddfr at daviddfriedman.com>
To: "Cooks within the SCA" <sca-cooks at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks]Feasts Per Year

> Samrah asked:
>>  > How about a sound-off by kingdom as to how many feasts per year 
>> (kingdom,
>>baronial, shire, whatever), how many served & price per plate?
> and Mairi Ceilidh replied:
>>I'm glad you posed that question.  I've been wondering the same thing.  My
>>schedule for the coming year looks sort of like:
>>April 29-May 1         Inaugural Baronial Investiture
>>May 6-8 (?)              Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire
>>June ????                Out of Kingdom event (tentative)
>>Sept. 2-5                  Kingdom 20th Year/Crown List
>>Oct. 14-16                Panhandle Skirmishes (free picnic for everyone 
>>the event, usually 400-700)
>>Nov. 18-20                Pilgrimage to Rome
>>There may be one or two places where I have committed to do lunch only at 
>>event, and I may even have missed a feast in that list.  My norm is to 
>>travelers fare on Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and feast
>>Saturday night.  Labor Day weekend (Kingdom 20th year) is a two-feast
>>weekend which my apprentice and I will work together.  The normal price 
>>food for the weekend is $7.00 per person.  For the Baronial Investiture I 
>>asking for $8.00 (other people are doing breakfast and lunch, which will
>>come out of that), and for the 20th year I am asking $10.00 per person per
>>So, am I out of my mind, or do others run that type of schedule.  This is 
>>pretty typical year for me.
> I don't do a whole lot of feasts, partly because the Standard West Kingdom 
> Event is a camping event with small groups handling their own cooking (my 
> shire typically does a period potluck) and partly because I'm not that 
> active. Since we came out here, I have been an assistant cook once and 
> co-head cook once for a nearby event centered around the feast (80-100 
> people, I think) and head cook for a very snall feast (the one I posted 
> here a couple months ago. That's over almost 10 years.
>>Mairi Ceilidh, who also has several standing non-SCA catering jobs every
>>year, and helps with supper at the local homeless shelter one night a 
> I do bread when my church supplies dinner at the homeless shelter--they 
> tell me they are getting called "the bread people" by the recipients.
> Elizabeth/Betty Cook
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