[Sca-cooks] Cooking with Pottery prior to SCA Cook's Pot Luck at Pennsic

kingstaste at mindspring.com kingstaste at mindspring.com
Sat Jul 23 16:40:59 PDT 2005

Phlip announced:
Yes, Knowne Worlde Cooke's Potlucke is on, at SPCA camp, in W10, near Orluk
Oasis, Monday of War Week, from 5 PM until whenever.

Prior to the SCA Cook's Potluck on Monday, August 15th, I will be hosting a
cooking session for all that care to attend.  We will be utilizing the
campfire in the SPCA camp.  Mistress Honnoria of Thescorre and Mistress Cori
Ghora will be providing some period pottery cookware for us to use.  Please
bring a period recipe and ingredients that might utilize a pottery vessel.
If you have a piece of period cookware you'd like to experiment with, bring
it along as well.  I will be shooting for noon as a start time, with an idea
that dishes should be going on the fire starting at 2PM.  Of course, we will
report our findings and do a 'show and tell' at the potluck.

I had the opportunity to do this two years ago in the Aethelmearc Royal
encampment on top of Mt. Eislinn, amongst all the mud :)  The recipes I
tried were: Scottish Oatcakes with the skillet, 'An Excellent Boiled Salad'
(spinach and currants) in the pipkin, lamb tagine in a large bowl/vessel,
and Pommes Dorre  - boiling some in a vessel containing water that we
heating with hot rocks (limited success) - the ones we put in the skillet
were better.  The pommes dorre were the least wonderful, but everything was
quite tasty.  I have yet to be able to reproduce the spinach dish without
the pipkin and the slow low heat of the coals.

If you can let me know you are planning on coming in advance, I will make
sure there are cool beverages for everyone.  I will also have some cooking
implements and basic ingredients available.  Email me here or privately at:
kingstaste at mindspring dot com.  You can also come by my camp - Mermayde
Keepe - 664 Great Eastern Hwy - right next door to SPCA on the back side,
although not on the road (E16- right next door to Pentwyvrn); or by my
booth - King's Taste Productions (Shire Publications) in BZ01.
Please feel free to forward this to other cooks or cooking lists.

Looking forward to a wonderful cooking experience,
Mistress Christianna MacGrain

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