[Sca-cooks] Gender identification was a bunch of stuph-LONG

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Thu Jun 2 23:01:53 PDT 2005

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

and left it in Vlad's encampment- and
> > knowing
> > that crew and the partiers therein, I have no doubt someone drank it.
> At Vlad's? But you said he had to leave it in a camp where people were
> up and awake.
> Stefan

Stefan? Are you trying to be funny? Because Vlad's, so I understand, tends
to be a constant party, sometimes private, often public. That crew tends to
spend most of Pennsic blasted out of their minds- not necessarily the camp
members, but generally the hangers on.

The most creative, um, middle of the night "emergencies" we get at Point
almost invariably have spent part of their evening at Vlad's. I'd tell you
about some of the, uh, more "explosive" incidents (one of the reasons I tend
to not work the overnight shifts) sometime, when it's not on a List, where
people are making an effort to digest their day''s consumption, not decorate
Pittsburgh area with it.

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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