[Sca-cooks] verjuice

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 19 10:55:38 PDT 2005

radei wrote:
>  Right, but you have them way to big.  Crabapples are about the size of a
>  cherry. and slightly bitter. not pleasent eating without sweetening.

Really? I adored them as a child. We had a crabapple tree in the back 
of our yard and i was always eating them ripe off the tree, with no 
unpleasant consequences that i recall. I remember them being about 
the size of golf balls. They weren't used for anything in the house, 
so i think i was the only person who ate them.

I seem to recall they used to sell sweetened, spiced, slightly 
pickled artificially colored crab apples in glass jars (back in the 
50s and 60s) - or am i hallucinating again?

Urtatim (that's err-tah-TEEM)
the persona formerly known as Anahita
Soylens Viridis Homines Est!

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