[Sca-cooks] RE: Sugar free sports drink alternative

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Jun 29 21:38:13 PDT 2005

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> Have you tasted halved Gatorade? It's nasty.

It's nasty, no matter what strength you have it. When it starts tasting
good, you KNOW you're dehydrated.

> I have understood that you do not have to halve the Gatorade. Only reason
> if you are trying to save money.

Unfortunately, that is NOT the case. Gatorade, as it stands, provides too
much sugar and minerals. What your body is craving is water, pure and
simple. Unfortunately, plain water is not something many people will drink
willingly- they've been brought up to believe that sugary sweet flavored
stuff tastes good, so that's what they think they want when they're thirsty.

And, contrary to the school of opinion that thinks that a shortage of
electrolytes can lead to other problems, the circumstances under which
electrolyte shortage have been reported are far more extreme than our
fighters experience- like, towards the end of a hot summer's marathon- and
even then, most of the runners need water, rather than the electrolytes. A
balanced diet, plenty of water, and no hangover, with reasonably decent
physical condition are basicly all our fighters need to battle to their
heart's content. If you were to come through Point when we're having a run
on heat stress victims, you'll discover, if you ask them, that every last
one of them, fighter or spectator, or simple passers by has shorted
themselves on at least one, and frequently more, of those things. You're
fine, generally, doing that sort of thing, if you don't additionally stress
your body with high unaccustomed environmental heat and lots of unaccustomed
exercise, but you'll be a patient if you don't take care of yourself- and
water is frequently the key.

> And there is a reason for having the water available along with the sports
> drink.

Yep. Diabetics, and people like me who don't like sugared drinks.

> So I do not understand your statements reasoning.

Study the topic, as I have, and you might.

> I'm checking into a product by the makers of Emer'gen-C. It contains no
> sugars but I'm looking into what is the substitute.
> Lyse
> -----Original Message-----
> And, please, always remember, that we dilute Gatorade to 50% strength,
> because WATER is the most important ingredient.

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

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