[Sca-cooks] Rebuy old clothes

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 13 20:14:07 PST 2005

--- Devra at aol.com wrote:
> Dear Huette
>      You are sweet to estimate 20 years to my
> childhood, but alas, no.  'tis 
> a far longer time.  I mention in passing
> hearing the screams of joy from 
> Ebbets Field (6 blocks from my childhood home)
> upon the Dodgers winning The 
> Pennant...  I was in third grade, I think...
>      Devra, who just broke 61

Well, I am glad that you broke 61.  It really
isn't worth fixing anyway.  Or if you do, be
sure to put the numerals in a different order.
Voila!  You are now sweet 16!

Coincedentally, I was in third grade when I
went to my first Dodgers game at the Los Angeles
Colliseum.  I still have the Dodgers Bobble
Head doll that my dad bought for me. 

Huette who has achieved 53 but still feels 35.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for 
they shall never cease to be amused.

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