[Sca-cooks] Cassia vs. "True" Cinnamon (was Cinnamon question)

Carol Eskesen Smith BrekkeFranksdottir at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 20 09:39:23 PST 2005

Dear Elaynne,

in re your locally available cinnamon sticks, if they're very thin and flaky, they're probably true cinnamon.  If they're fairly thick, they're probably Cassia.  True cinnamon has a milder, less hot flavor than cassia, with a little more clove note.  Cassia is harsher and hotter.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: SEBD at aol.com<mailto:SEBD at aol.com> 
  To: sca-cooks at ansteorra.org<mailto:sca-cooks at ansteorra.org> 
  Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 6:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Cassia vs. "True" Cinnamon (was Cinnamon question)

  Greetings unto the list. I've just rejoined today.
  I just checked Kalustyan's website. They are my fave (besides being around  
  the corner from where I live).
  They have Cinnamon powder in Korintje cassia and Vietnamese, plus flat  
  Cinnamon sticks (labeled as Indian Cassia bark), Ceylon sticks labeled as  Mexican 
  Cinnamon or Canela, Vietnamese cinnamon sticks, and something just  labeled 
  Cinnamon sticks in 2.5" and 10" lengths. Other than long and brown, I  don't 
  know what they are.
  Elianne of ynys Enlli

  It is my  understanding from a conversation long ago with a representative 
  from Frontier  Herb Co. that true cinnamon (cinnamomum zerylanicum: true 
  cinnamon, soft  cinnamon,or  ceylon cinnamon-- from the flacky sticks packaged for  
  Mexican markets) is not available commerically ground.   Ground  cinnamon is is 
  generally cinnamomum cassia (cassia, the really hard sticks  from craft 
  stores & other places).  There is also a Vietamese  cinnamon (cinnamomum loureirri) 
  which is sold ground, but I have no personal  experience with it.


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