[Sca-cooks] Recipe suggestions

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Mon May 2 21:29:37 PDT 2005

I've heard that we've got a good, wet front coming through.  *sigh*  We 
need the moisture so badly, and it is the wet time of year for this part 
of the Rocky Mountains, but I can do without the headache and the joint 
pain.  Blech. I don't live in the Pacific NorthWet, thankyouverymuch.  I 
live in the Rockies, so maybe we need to be building great big rock 
diversions against AnTiran weather?? (oh, wait, silly....that's what the 
mountains are supposed to do! ;o)
Obligatory Food-ish Question: I'm assuming that middle-ages me, if 
educated in these things, would have seen my physical reactions to storm 
fronts/weather changes as an imbalance in my humors? Would it have been 
seen as too much of the moist/cold? Not enough? Anyone care to expound 
on what sort of foods or herbs would have been recommended? Modern-me 
does Pretty Good with her NSAIDS, but wonders how similar things were 
handled in the 14th century....

Laura C. Minnick wrote:

> At 06:17 PM 5/2/2005, you wrote:
>> Tsk, tsk, Lainie.  Gotta quit drinking all that tequila! ;o)
>> --maire, really wishing now that she had a pork roast out for dinner, 
>> given some of the tasty suggestions!
>>> 'Lainie
>>> (no bomb behind my house, but there seems to be one going off in the 
>>> back of my head...)
> No booze- It might feel better if I'd actually earned the headache, but 
> it seems to be mostly the storm front(s) that came through- you should 
> be getting them shortly, nice thick black clouds.
> 'Lainie
> (who really doesn't deserve to feel this way!)

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