[Sca-cooks] "Cooking Under Fire"

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at yahoo.com
Sun May 8 10:02:01 PDT 2005

--- Stefan li Rous <StefanliRous at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Given the single egg, most (all?) of the contestants proceeded to make 
> an egg dish. We'll have to see whether some of them start thinking more 
> creatively, as you did.
> > Of course, that assumes that sugar, cream and milk would
> > be available, and if a citrus fruit was around the zest could be used
> > as flavoring.
> For this contest, they also only had 1 hour in which to complete the 
> task. But unless your custard has to cool for a long while, I don't 
> think that would be a problem.

Actually they had only 10 min. for the egg dish and one hour for the mis en place.

In the second show, they had 1 hour and 10 min. to make their next dish.

Given that they had to use Thai rice [granted it was purple], shrimp, spicy sausage
and duck, I am surprised that none of the contestants tried to make paella.  Granted
that paella usually uses chicken, it is a dish that is very flexible and duck would
have been a good substitute.


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